Karl Kure was awarded an Honorary Membership of EFEE for the superb work and achievements carried out as Chairman of the Shotfiring Committee.

Karl joined the Shotfiring Committee and took over as chairman in 2006. He has worked tirelessly to develop the European Shotfiring Certificate, based on National training and certification, to the PECCS education and exam system. Karl led EFEE into ESSEEM and the work carried out by the committees resulted in developing the PECCS training and certification scheme. This provides the syllabus for necessary training standards of the ‘EFEE Education System’ leading to the ‘Pan European Competence Certificate for Shotfirers and Blast Designers’. Karl also contributed directly to the content, writing the chapter focusing on Blasting close to existing structures.

The first PECCS course and examination successfully took place in Stockholm in 2020. Whilst many people worked hard to develop the system it was Karl Kure as chairman of the Shotfiring Committee who provided the drive and enthusiasm to achieve their goal. Karl’s working career spans a diverse range of roles including research scientist, explosives distributor, blasting expert, an active contributor in The Norwegian Tunneling Society (Norsk Forening for Fjellsprengningsteknikk – NFF), a conference presenter and a member of several sub committees. He was central to the revision of national blaster’s certification in the 1990s. He has always had a strong enthusiasm for sharing/spreading knowledge on safe blasting across country borders and was awarded honorary membership of NFF in 2013.